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There may be projects that will not be considered for funding.

Any project that isn't in alignment with the Duncan Public Schools Strategic Plan and/or meets a focus area of Duncan Public Schools Foundation (DPSF) will not be considered. DPSF Board of Directors has final decision on all awards and has the right to decline an application for any reason. Awards will be given based on the board's recommendation, alignment to the mission of the foundation and availability of funds. Additionally, if any school site receives 25% or more of total awards funds available, there may be a waiting period before individuals at that site can receive additional funding.  


There is a maximum award amount for each type of DEx Award. If a project exceeds the maximum, an explanation as to how the remainder of the project will be funded must be included in application. Maximums for each are listed below.  

Classroom Award - $1,000 maximum (per applicant)

Collaborative Award - $3,000 maximum (per collaborative group/project)

Professional Development - $2,500 maximum (per applicant)


Individuals can apply for and be awarded more than one DEx Award. Individuals may apply for multiple awards, but may not exceed the maximum in each category (per school year). For example, an individual could apply for a Classroom Award for $1,000 or 10 classroom grants for $100 each. An individual may also be a part of up to three (3) collaborative awards with their peers, but may only apply for one (1) themselves (as primary applicant). An individual may apply for multiple Professional Development Awards as well, until the max of $2,500 is awarded to an individual.  

Award recipients will pay for materials, training or programs using a purchase requisition through Central Office. Immediately upon approval, you and your principal will be notified along with a copy of your award application and funded amount. At that point, you will need to provide whatever documentation required to have a purchase requisition completed for you to make purchases, pay vendors, or schedule events.  Please send your completed requisition with details of your purchase to Lori McCann.  


All funds from an award must be spent by the end of the school year in which the award was approved.  No money shall carry over into the following school year, unless granted special approval by the DPSF Board of Directors.


DPSF may use information about awarded projects for promotional purposes. DPSF may use the contents of an award application, take photos and/or ask for an interview with those involved in the project for promotional purposes.


A report of awarded projects must be submitted to the DPSF Board within 30 days of project completion. This report should express the impact of the award on students, the classroom, and/or curriculum, as well as pictures of the materials, programs, or experiences in use.


Questions? Please feel free to contact Jonathan with any questions or concerns you have: or 580-458-0413 (cell). 

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